A1515 Single-End Tenoner
The A1515 Single-End Tenoner can accommodate four stations with identical HSK-63F spindle motors, to be used in any configuration of shaping and sanding. All spindles are reversing and set up to rotate with or against the direction of feed with a jump feature on the first station. The stations can be horizontally locked for straight shape/sand or CNC controlled to shape/sand pre-programmed contours (arches). Auto-positioning which includes automatic CNC control of the edge guide, hold-down, and the horizontal and vertical axis for all shaping and sanding stations for best repeatability possible. Servo positioning is accurate within.002”.
The transport system incorporates two bottom transport chain assemblies and a combination roller and belt hold-down assembly. The transport chain assembly is composed of a urethane top, double V-lug that travels in a precision-machined double V-track, guaranteeing precise linear transition of the part through the machine. The belt hold-down consists of a non-marking urethane belt backed by a roller chain that provides the hold-down pressure at every 0.5”. This allows the machine to take very large contour cuts while hanging on to a very small area. This technology makes the Voorwood transport system the most secure and accurate in the industry.
When the substrate is loaded against the precision edge guide, using sensors, the width of the board is automatically measured. As the material is being fed into the machine, contour designs can be automatically scaled to match the width of the substrate.
The A1515 Single-End Tenoner is equipped with an onboard design center for the designing of contour cuts. The program is the simplest and the control system is easiest to understand. Designs can be viewed to scale on the touchscreen. The facility for automatic downloads of contours from another CAD software can be provided at the customer’s request.
- Accommodates up to four shaping and sanding stations
- Spindles can be configured with quick change, HSK, or stacked tooling
- Fully automatic tool changers, each tool changer accepts 5 or 7 tool holders with 15 to 21 individual tools (option)
- Automatically scales contours
- Double V-track (holds tolerances over time)
- Capable of processing all components of a five-piece cabinet door
- Ball insert station with servo-controlled axis will insert space balls in a contoured part (option)
- 17” wide chain with 17” wide dog bars for coping narrow parts (option)
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- Configured to accommodate up to four shaping and sanding stations
Single-End Tenoner Series: Shapes and sands/polishes edges in one pass of hardwood, MDF, and solid resin based substrates. Capable if CNC (Arch) contouring during the pass-through process.
Axis configuration allows for best repeatability • Processes smallest parts in industry (1.50” W x 3.50” L) • Servo controlled automatic positioning • Automatic tool changer • Capable of producing contoured parts (arches) • Designed to meet your R.O.I.
The A1517 Single-End Tenoner can accommodate five or more stations with identical HSK-63F spindle motors, to be used in any configuration of shaping and sanding. All spindles are reversing and set up to rotate with or against the direction of feed with a jump feature on the first station.
- Accommodates five or more shaping and sanding stations
- Spindles can be configured with Quick Change, HSK, or stacked tooling
- Fully automatic tool changers, each tool changer accepts 5 or 7 tool holders with 15 to 21 individual tools (option)
- Automatically scales contours
- Double V track (holds tolerances over time)
- Capable of processing all components of a five piece cabinet door